Tag Archives: Portugal

Coimbra, Portugal – How good are the Ham and Cheese Toasties?

Just over halfway between Lisbon and Porto is Coimbra.

My favourite person and I travelled by train from Lisbon to Coimbra. It’s about a 2 hour trip, including a short wait at Coimbra B railway station for the train into Coimbra itself. It’s about an hour from Porto if you are coming the other way.

Coimbra was once the capital of Portugal, although that was a long time ago. Today its a modern provincial city with a preserved medieval town and an impressive historical university.

However for me Coimbra will always be the place that I truly embraced Portugal’s favourite food, the Ham and Cheese Toastie, although by the time we’d completed our visit I’d become a connoisseur, and my preference was for the ham, cheese and tomato version.

Before I arrived in Portugal I had assumed the national food was the Portuguese tart!

In preparing for our visit to Portugal we had read about Coimbra and seen a number of blog posts suggesting that Coimbra was place to spend more than a day visiting, We took the advice and stayed three nights.

Our late afternoon arrival gave us a chance to visit the Santa Cruz Church and Monestary in the square, Praça 8 de Maid. Continue reading

Lisbon, Portugal – How good is it?

I had a feeling as we were flying to Lisbon that I would love this place!

Coming into land across the bright blue water, big sky and the bright white buildings with red rooves I was certainly getting a positive impression.

Through the modern and busy airport and then onto our hotel, just behind Lisbon’s ritzy shopping street. I really was thinking “How good is Lisbon?” Continue reading