Tag Archives: Rosie

Walks with my dog

Sadly, we have recently had to say goodbye to Rosie, our much loved dog. At around 16 she’d had a good innings, but over the last year her mobility was greatly resticted, and her quality of life deteriorated.

Rosie a rescue dog was very much my daughter’s until she moved out of home. My daughter moved but the dog didn’t!

Why Rosie was abandoned we have no idea. She was impeccably trained for a “Heinz 57” varieties. Perhaps she just strayed one day and then couldn’t find her way back. Very much our good fortune but a pity for the person who trained her.

In early 2010 my 2 daughters and my favourite person went to the Animal Welfare League (AWL) to see if there was a suitable dog to join our family. My daughter says Rosie picked herself. She was her dog and very much not mine! Infact, she was quite aggressive to me which was of great concern, as we had been told that she’d already been returned to the AWL, so the next return meant she would be put down. Aggression towards me or not that wasn’t going to happen. Continue reading