Tag Archives: TV

Well that’s Semester One Done

As if work running into 30 June isn’t hectic enough for an accountant I’ve combined it with an exam and an assignment!

Over the last four months I’ve attended 13 workshops, 13 seminars, 9 presentations, completed 5 assignments and sat one exam, whilst working full-time. It certainly has been a challenge.

From a work perspective it has also seen one of the busiest periods we have seen for a while. Plenty of good and challenging work as I completed my second last year of professional practice.

From a study perspective, the word count is about 11,000 words submitted and countless others edited out. Numerous journal articles carefully read to extract the gems needed to support my work. Then there is the exacting task of referencing, something which after 5 assignments now seems quite straight forward – it certainly wasn’t back in March!

So what have I learnt? I know that I’m still not good at statistics, although compared to what I knew on the 1st of March I am an expert! I’ve learnt about the inductive and deductive approach. I know that method and methodology aren’t the same thing and lots more. I’ve found that writing every day does work better; that “snack writing” actually works and writing early in the day is a productive use if my time as against sleeping (which is definitely over rated)! What however is more important is that I now realise I am thinking differently and that this is not just helping my study but also work.

I’m a quarter the way through my Honours program with still many thousands of words to write and much to learn. Whilst the last few months have been challenging I’m still enjoying it.

So now a few weeks before saddling up again. Time to take in the balance of The World Cup and Tour de France on TV.

Dr Who – 50 Years

Just been for a wander around my office to discuss the upcoming 50th Anniversary of Dr Who.

The excitement is building. I had managed to contain it until a family dinner last night where it seemed next Sunday’s ( we are in Australia) 50th Anniversary episode of Dr Who was the only topic of conversation.

We covered the important questions. Who is your favourite Doctor? What was your favourite adventure? Can there ever be a better assistant than Romana? It easily filled a whole family dinner!

Well here are some of my answers.

I always like the current Doctor best. As a poster on the BBC’s #savetheday site says it’s OK to have a favourite and like them all.

The Key to Time series was definitely my favourite, although Blink was fantastic.

No, there can’t be a better assistant than Romana, although I have a super soft spot for each of Sarah-Jane, Rose and Amy Pond.

Funnily enough there wasn’t agreement on much of this over dinner.

As a survivor of Dr Who since the beginning, I can’t believe that it’s been fifty years since my sister and I first started watching from behind the lounge chair, something one of our daughters also did when she was little. She still says Dr Who gives her nightmares.

Just a few more days and it will be up early to watch the Day of the Doctor. It’s going to be awesome!

AFL, it’s more than Money

Football seems to be more about the money than the game itself.

As a South Australian I am used to the very occasional Friday Night game in Adelaide, inconvenient scheduling when compared to Collingwood, Essendon, Geelong and Hawthorn; I can’t remember the last time we had a holiday Monday game in Adelaide. It does seem that if you are not from Melbourne you don’t matter as after all that is where the money is.

The latest example is the seemingly grudging appreciation by the AFL’s CEO of the efforts of Freemantle and more particularly Port Adelaide

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