Tag Archives: Wordpress

Share My World

Found this set of questions whilst I was mulling through my Reader –share your world via a really great blog – 61musings


How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? 

Wow there’s a thought. 

If I asked my staff they’d say I was old enough to have helped Noah load the Ark!

My children would say judging by the Dad jokes that I’d been around a while too.

My favourite person would say we are still young with so much to look forward to.

I think I’d say I say I was about 50, after all that’s the new 40 these days. 

Are you left or right handed? 

I’m right handed which explains why when I played golf as a left handed I was pretty ordinary!

If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?

Given I’m pretty comfortable with where things are at I don’t think I would change it at all. 

Where do you hide junk when people come over?

I don’t really!

We live in an apartment so there isn’t much space for junk. What we do have gets stashed in the cupboard under the stairs to be forgotten about!

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up

Last week some new opportunities emerged as I plan for my future post retirement from my firm. I also loved my few days at athe Clipsal 500 with my son.

In the coming week I’m looking forward to getting on with my thesis and riding my bike,

What’s on my study wall

For the last three weeks I seem to have found reasons not to start typing my thesis. I know I have all year to get it done and it’s a minor thesis (20,000 words) but the time really has come. It’s already mid-February and I had planned to be well underway by now but I am not really that far advanced.

I’ve used the excuse that my laptop has been in for repairs eventhough all my files are accessible through Dropbox. Then it’s been I haven’t been able to access EndNote because it’s on my laptop. But really enough is now enough.

I’ve settled on my Research Question, to be honest I did that in December! I’ve identified my sample frame and have all the contact information. My ethics approval for my research is done.

Today my laptop will be back from its sabbatical and ready to go. Continue reading


Follow my blog with Bloglovin

I spent days trying to work out how to “Claim my Blog on Bloglovin and found this Daily Post that was really useful What the Heck is Bloglovin’, and Do I Need IT?

Accepting upfront that when it comes to anything slightly techie i am immediately out of my depth, the trick was to understand that I needed to add the RSS feed address in the Claim Blog section.

Quite possibly the craziest thing I’ve ever done!

This wasn’t an impulse, but after a week if feels like about the craziest thing I’ve ever done.

Enrolling at Uni whilst still working fulltime seemed straight forward. I’ll use a days annual leave this semester and then revise my working arrangements for next semester. I can fit the other seminars in around lunch and that should work just fine. So I thought!

Week One and I’ve had a full day at Uni, finding my way around only after my daughter, a third year student, came to show me around. The Workshop was daunting, I couldn’t turn my computer on or save a file without help; that was before I even considered the Workshop content! Then the three hour Seminar – I was exhausted only to be go confronted with a large reading list. That was just Monday!

Then it’s been late home from work every night, followed by a work event every night bar Friday where I thought it would be good to spend time with my wife and daughter. After we’d had dinner it was just relax in front of the TV and a movie, Cast Away which I hadn’t seen for years.

At least now I’ve got a long weekend to do my Uni reading, write my monthly article for The Adelaide Review and catch up on some work.

It all seemed easy last year when I experimented putting Herminia Ibarra’s fabulous book, Working Identity into practice with a couple of undergrad subjects at Uni. The reality of commencing Honours with an eye to a PHD is quite different – this is serious in fact crazy.

I’m entering the Twilight Zone

I feel like I’m entering the Twilight Zone, a place where I will be in two worlds both of which in their own ways will be all consuming.

The first is my job and the second is one I’m both excited about and very nervous about – University!

I’m used to the ups and downs of my life in professional practice as well as it’s demands. It’s been my life for the last 35 years, but University is different. Whilst I completed some post grad study about ten years ago it was quite straight forward as was dabbling in study last year, just a subject a semester.

It already seems that I need to operate in a parallel universe. Scheduling my time is already a nightmare but would be so much easier if I operated in two universes. For example, I could be in both Sydney for an important client meeting and on campus learning about the approach to research at the same time.

If I operated in parallel universe I could attend to my work emails, proposals and client demands in the evening whilst also preparing for next week’s seminar.

It would all be so much easier with effectively 48 hours in one day, but alas that isn’t going to be the case; I’ll be stuck in the twilight zone flipping between two equally demanding universes.